
I'm a full-stack developer. In my former life, I was a professional climbing coach. I helped athletes overcome physical, technical, and mental barriers to improved performance. I also mentored assistant coaches and led the turnaround of a team. Of course, I got to climb some pretty cool stuff too. Nowadays, I work with Python, React, Redux, Go, NodeJS, SQL, MongoDB, CSS, HTML and more. I consider myself a fast learner and an expert debugger. Take a look at my projects to see what I’ve built.


  • Cards App

    A website for creating and sharing flashcards with social features enabled by a rich and well-designed database layer. Made with React and Flask

  • Sort Some Bars

    A quick project to illustrate sorting algorithms using dynamic animation. Done in vanilla javascript.

  • Climbzy

    A website for mountain guides to list trips. Inspired by Etsy. With AWS S3 and Google Maps API integrations. React and Express tech stack.

  • Instaclone

    A group project to clone instagram. Python/flask backend using with a react front-end. This project was great for deepening my CSS knowledge

  • Virus Overflow

    A COVID-19 themed group project to clone Stack Overflow. Used an Express/Javascript backend with PUG templates


  • Javascript
  • Python
  • Go
  • React.js
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Git/Github
  • Node.js
  • Docker
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB


  • App Academy

    Aug 2020-Jan 2021

    Full Stack Web Development

  • Mount St. Mary's University

    Sep 2010-Jun 2013

    Economics, Philosophy